PhotoGraphing water

                                         was it easy to get a good shot? It was, but I feel like the flash had a delay on the bursts.

What did you like or dislike about shooting water with without flash? I liked how i can just burst my way through and not worry about how the light is.

1. Was it easy to get a good shot? All we needed to do was adjust the focus, it was super easy to get a nice clear shot.
2. What creative adjustments did your team make for this shot? We angled the camera a bit more and played with the focus lens.
3. What did you like or dislike? I love how the drops transform into clouds almost immediately.

1. Was it easy to get a good shot?It was a bit hard to see with the color of the bowl creating a black hole of water. The paper reflection helped a bit.
2. What did you like/dislike? I liked the fact that you had to switch colors to find out what works best for a brighter colored reflection.

1. Was it easy to get a good shot? Like i said before, the reflection of the color of the bowl made the droplets hard to see.
What did you like/dislike? i didn't like the color of the bowl for the photos.


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